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Unforgettable Kilpis

People come to Kilpis either charmed by the scenery, or crazy about a hobby. The fells call ski trekkers and the best powder snow for downhill skiers is found when you start off with a snowmobile pull, or by helicopter. The most enthusiastic skiers can even reach the peaks in neighboring countries! At the end of the day, a sauna and an ice swim are so refreshing.

Kilpisjärvi is a haven for hikers and fishermen during the summer months. The nearby hiking trails offer the opportunity to appreciate the stunning natural beauty of the surrounding fells, whether for a day trip or a longer adventure. After a day of hiking, there's nothing quite like unwinding in the gentle heat of the beach sauna and then taking a refreshing swim in Lake Kilpisjärvi. Additionally, Kalastajatorpa hosts various events during the summer, including Midsummer's Eve and Venetian celebrations.



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The Lapland Safaris rental service offers a comprehensive selection of high-quality outdoor equipment rental all year round. A comprehensive and professional selection is available in several destinations in Lapland, meaning that you can avoid packing extra things and rent all the equipment from the destination. Renting outdoor equipment is an ecological and wallet-friendly way without expensive investments in equipment.

At the rental point in Kilpisjärvi you can find in the spring season, e.g. sliding snowshoes, snowshoes, ahkio and hiking backpacks. In the summer season, the selections include e.g. SUP boards and a rowing boat.




Experience the magnificent

Sauna & swimming

Sauna & swimming

The lakeside sauna is heated up daily and a nice cool swim is guaranteed to refresh your tired muscles!

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Our lakeside sauna is heated daily from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Separate saunas for ladies and gentlemen. Sauna is included into accommodation prices, others 10€/person. Take your towels with you from your room / apartment, you may also rent a towel (5 €).
During winter months there is a ice swimming possibility, in the summer months swimming in Lake Kilpisjärvi.

You may also rent our lakeside sauna for private use. This is possible before 4 p.m. and after 9 p.m.
50€ / hour / sauna, 1-4 prs, additional persons 10€ / prs
Fireplace and living room rental 100€/h

You may rent the hotel sauna for private use on your chosen time. Towels are included in the prices.
35€ / hour, 1-4 prs, additional persons 10€ / prs
Usage of the shower in the hotel 5€ / prs
Towel rent 5€ / towel





The vast, heath-like areas at the bottom of the great fells are extremely enjoyable to have a walk on. It’s worth experiencing the enchantment of Kilpisjärvi’s paths.

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In Kilpisjärvi, the height differences are quite large and the terrain is quite difficult to traverse. Yliperä is dominated by fells over a thousand meters high and their bare, treeless moorlands, covered with stones. There are many challenges for an experienced hiker, not least the rocky terrain, swamps, fell birch forests and the crossings on the widest rivers. The vast, heath-like areas at the bottom of the great fells are extremely enjoyable to have a walk on.

Saana nature path
The 5km long Saana nature path, starting from Kilpisjärven Retkeilykeskus, goes around Saana-fell from the west side over the river Skirhasjohka and to Jeahkas-fell and then back to Kilpisjärvi again. The history and nature of the area is detailed along the path. Guide booklets for this path are available at Kilpisjärvi nature house and also Kilpisjärven Retkeilykeskus.

Tsahkal-lake–Saana-lake–Saana route
The Tsahkal-lake–Saana-lake–Saana route starts from Kilpisjärvi, following the Tsahkal-river to Tsahkal-lake. It takes you back to the bottom of Saana-fell and then up to the Saana-lake day hut. From Saana-lake you can return to Kilpisjärvi via the top of Saana, if you like. Depending on your choice of route the path is between 9-12km long.

Salmivaara path
Salmivaara path starts from Salmivaara road, 200m north of the Kilpisjärvi nature house. Drive 200m on the Salmivaara road, the parking area and sign are at the end of the track. It’s about 800m one way to the top of Salmivaara — of this 120m is uphill. You come back via the same route. The route has a view of the fells in Finland, Sweden and Norway and also the Kilpisjärvi village and Tsahkal-lake.

Saana path
The Saana path starts fron Kilpisjärven Retkeilykeskus, where you take the longest stairs in Finland to the top of Saana. You come back via the same route and it is possible to visit the Saana-lake day hut when the route is 12km long. Otherwise this route is 8km.

Kilpisjärvi – Halti route
Approximately 3,000 visitors climb up to the top of Halti every year. A five or six day hike to Halti, the highest fell in Finland, which is 45km away, challenges your gear and physics. For all this you will be rewarded when you see the spectacular Meekojärvi steep, amazing shapes of Saivaara that lie a bit aside from the route, steep walls of Annjalonji, the waterfall of Pihtsusköngäs and the bare shores of cool and windy Pihtsuslake. Kilpisjärvi–Halti route is a part of the Cap route. Back and forth from Kilpisjärvi to Halti is about 110km.
A few steps aside are still worth it. When you’re heading in the direction of Termisjärvi, a visit to Salmikuru is a must, so too is a trek to the top of Kutturankuru. Additional experiences to the Halti route are a visit to Saivaara, from the east side, on the shoulder of Meekovaara, where there’s a fine view of the valley of Porojärvi-lake. Atop Haltiatunturi-fell, visitors can sign the Halti book.




Whirling snow

Snowmobile driving

Snowmobile driving

In Kilpisjärvi you can drive a snowmobile on tracks maintained by Metsähallitus, but you’ll need a track permit from Metsähallitus.

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In Kilpisjärvi you can drive a snowmobile on tracks maintained by Metsähallitus, but you’ll need a track permit from Metsähallitus. The official snowmobile track goes from Kilpisjärvi to Hetta. A track from Saarikoski to Raittijärvi also joins it.

There is a chargeable network of snowmobile tracks in Kilpisjärvi, too, maintained by Kilpisjärven Ladut ry. So-called village permits are available for these tracks in Neste Kilpisjärvi. Out-of-towners are only allowed to drive a snowmobile on the tracks and routes that are marked. You need a special permit every time you leave a track and route.

There is also tracks that are marked with sticks in the Enontekiö area. These are so called maintenance tracks and you need a special permit to use them. In the forest snowmobile tracks are marked with reflective cross-shaped signs, with red sticks. When driving off-road, the driver has to be at least 15-years-old.

A map of Kilpisjärvi snowmobile tracks


To the landmark of three states



M/S Malla -ship takes you to The Landmark of Three States when the ice is gone until the later half of September.

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M/S Malla -ship takes you to The Landmark of Three States when the ice is gone until the later half of September. The ship sails from the shore of Retkeilykeskus. The whole cruise lasts about three hours and you’ll spend half of that time on board, both ways. The docking bay is at the bottom end of kolttalahti and is about a 3km walk away from the landmark.




From the lake to the fell



There are well-maintained skiing tracks around the Kilpisjärvi village, one of which is lit. Come to ski track or hills!

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There are well-maintained skiing tracks around the Kilpisjärvi village, one of which is lit. A 1.2km long track is maintained from the beginning of December. Others ones are looked after from the beginning of March. There are no marked ski tracks in the wilderness area, but you can ski on the snowmobile maintenance routes.
Follow the real-time ski track situation at Kilpisjärvi here


Powder under the skis

Off piste skiing

Off piste skiing

Kilpisjärvi is a good place for an off-piste skier because the biggest fells and valleys are there.

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Kilpisjärvi is a good place for an off-pisteskier because the biggest fells and valleys are there. 



Off piste skiing

Snow Village